Electric Vehicle drivers have access to several key safety resources and features that maximize awareness and minimize hazards behind the wheel. Anyone driving an EV or considering an EV purchase should be aware of the unique safety considerations relating to electric vehicles.
EV Owner's Manual
There are many reasons why EV owners should familiarize themselves with the vehicle’s owner manual. This manual contains vital information specific to your vehicle's make and model. It will provide guidance on how to care for your EV, advice on technical issues, tips on driver and passenger safety, and much more. Below is a list of topics to look for:
Maintenance Requirements - scheduling or performing manual software updates and other recommended service intervals
Safety - precautions to take if your EV is exposed to floodwaters and other considerations for battery care
Safety - precautions to take if your EV is exposed to floodwaters and other considerations for battery care
Troubleshooting - warning lights and messages, roadside assistance numbers if applicable, and requirements if towing services are necessary
Charging Instructions and Tips - how to schedule charging and minimum requirements for the installation of an at-home charger
Whether your EV is new or used, ensure that you have a copy of the owner's manual. If you do not, consult a local dealer or the manufacturer's website for the best way to acquire the appropriate version, which may include the option for a digital copy.