How to Charge
Charging Time
Refueling an EV is similar to how we charge our cell phones. Most EV drivers plug their vehicle in at home overnight. Some use workplace charging while their cars are parked for hours at a time. A good practice is to live between 20 and 80% charged. As charging slows as the battery is filled, consider topping off for what you need vs staying till completely full.
Charging is similar to filling a movie theater, you get there early picking a seat is quick, as the theater fills it gets harder to find a space to sit. (Pro tip: There are incentives to install EVSE at your home). Also, with many fast-charging stations coming online, it’s more convenient than ever to charge on the go.
Factors that Affect Charging Speed
Outside Temperature
Why Does Charging Slow Down? And Things that Affect Charging Speed
- Temperature | Outside air temperature either being too hot or too cold will impact charging rate.
- Battery Charge | Batteries charge faster the more empty they are. As the battery recharges, the charging rate will slow down as a safety precaution.
- Charging Stations Being Used at the Same Time | Often charging stations are run on concurrent wiring, so if other vehicles are charging at the same time it will slow down the charging.
- Battery Degradation | Like cellular charging, as the vehicle ages, the battery can lose capacity that impacts charging speed.
Battery Capacity | Not all batteries are created equal. There is variety between manufacturers and models that impact charging speed and capacity.
As with traditional driving, increased highway speeds will decrease range.
Costs & Fees
Connector Types
Level 1 and 2 Charging
DC Fast Charging
Tesla was one of the first EVs to market with fast charging and they have their own proprietary connector. This is also known as the North American Charging Standard and several manufacturers have announced adopting the J3400 connector by 2025.
Charging Levels
Charging Station Locator
- Looking for more tools? Here are some additional charging station
locator tools: